I was looking back on my blog, and the last entry I wrote was November 23-- I looked again, there was no way it's been 3 weeks--- yep it has been 3 weeks. Honestly these last three weeks have been a blur. The week after Thanksgiving, COVID hit our house. My family has managed to avoid the c word for almost 3 years-- and bam just like that the 4 of us were down and out...it started slowly, and the kids were still healthy, then it hit my son, a few days later it hit my daughter--and out of all of us, she was hit the hardest. Can I just say, being sick is one thing, but having the entire house sick is another--- the sickness did not go away, it was like this never-ending cloud that had settled over the house and quite frankly I was over it.
I always say, everything happens for a reason-- and I still live true to this, everything happens for a reason--even the stuff that is not as easy there is a purpose to it. Who would have thought that I would be writing a post about how being sick has helped me find my confidence!
I think the hardest part of being sick for me was the exhaustion-- I am always going, going, going-- like we all are. I am a mom, a wife, I work in the corporate world full time, and I have my own business which is growing like wildflowers (this makes me extremely happy!) for me to surrender and really stop and let my body rest was not an easy thing to do. About day 3 into COVID I remember being in my office, pushing through and working and I could feel myself falling fast, my ego kept me going- telling me that I did not need rest when my spirit, my soul said nope nope nope you need to rest. I remember grabbing my laptop, going upstairs, climbing into bed with the intention of working in bed. That plan never happened. I was out, my body, my soul, my spirit needed rest. This was the only way that the universe got me to listen.

I have to say I had some pretty vivid dreams with my COVID slumber, I have a dream journal that I keep on my phone because I truly enjoy writing down my dreams for a couple of reasons, one because I do not remember my dreams often so when I do I like to dig into to them as I believe the universe sends you messages through your dreams.Two when I do remember my dreams, the memory is usually short lived and does not stay in my head. Having so many dreams that I was remembering in a row was my first inclination that something was changing inside of me. In addition to self-care I also had my Reiki practitioner work on my energy with distance reiki treatments. I was too weak to work on myself and I knew that the reiki would help move the COVID through my system, keeping my chakras open, allowing me to bring the energy that I needed in and releasing the energy that was no longer needed. Before each reiki session you should set an intention on what you want the reiki to work on. I vividly remember my 2nd reiki session of being sick-- I set my intention; I could feel the moment the reiki started working through my system. As a reiki practitioner myself I know when you give sessions you release your client's energy through you--this can be through yawning, tears, sweating---everyone is different. Sometimes during energy sessions, you as the client can also release energy through the same ways. I am in a meditative state, and I can feel the tears going down my face, I knew that this must be an intense session as I could not stop the tears-- there were no emotions attached to the tears it was simply tears releasing the stagnant, sick energy. For this reiki session I chose my beautiful quartz crystal to mediate with. After the session I had my crystal in my hand, and it BROKE! I was in awe! I knew it was a powerful session, I could feel the energy, but I was so astonished that my beautiful crystal broke, minutes after the session was completed. I actually had a half hour conversation with my Reiki Master Teacher about this--- crystals can break when energy runs through it- that just shows how powerful energy truly is!
Between the vivid dreams, the reiki, the crystal breaking I was beginning to sense that this was bigger than just me being sick, I was transforming. I was lying on the couch, thinking about myself, my business, life.... I wholeheartedly know that it is my purpose to be a part of a larger collective to normalize energy work in our world. It is needed now more than ever, knowing this, why am I playing small? I was pondering on this thought---a block presented itself--- I am scared what people will think of me doing this work. Society has painted this picture that energy work is hippy, woo-woo'y, that its witchy--- Energy is so much more then this-- energy is all around us, everything is energy--including us, our thoughts, our homes, our belongings, our pets, EVERYTHING!!! Why am I so scared in saying that I am an intuitive energy healer, a human design reader, a coach? Because people will think I am weird? Because people will laugh at me? Because people will shame me? Because people will judge me and my choices? Lying there--- I got this crazy sense of clarity--- I NO LONGER CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT ME! I am who I am for a reason, I am here to show the collective how important energy work is as ME. I have a regular life--- I have a family, a house, pets, I love to travel, I lead with my heart, I make a difference in people's lives. COVID helped me release this block--- I no longer care what people think of me!
Once I identified and worked though this block, some amazing creative energy began coming through--- I started getting a flood of ideas of content for my social media feed. I created my themes for 2023--- I created my 2023 Oracle Card Pull Themes for 2023-- these are a 1 page PDF where I tune in to your energy and pull a card for your theme for 2023-- in the PDF you receive a photo of your oracle card, the message that the card is highlighting as your theme for 2023, personalized journal entries for you to reflect more on your 2023 theme and affirmations that support your theme. These are customized specifically to you--everyone has a different message as we are all on our own unique paths... with a price tag of $23 I put this out on social and I began getting orders! My thought process was this intuitive piece can help others as they explore their path, I see vision board being created from this, plans being made, people following their hearts and dreams...these messages are SO powerful in the most positive way!
I could see that this was something that is needed, I responded to the purchases that were coming through (thank you Human Design- knowing that my Generator self needs to respond!) and created monthly & weekly themes-- now you can purchase your personalized guidance on a weekly or monthly basis in addition to the 2023 theme-- old me would have been worried what people thought about oracle card pulls- since releasing that block I can feel my intuition strengthening even more-- with the positive feedback from y'all being my affirmation that this is part of my path! I opened up an Esty shop as a point of sale for these pieces in addition to my scheduling site for my human design and energy sessions. I am in the process of linking my Etsy shop to my website--but you can reach both of them through my linktree here- https://linktr.ee/magicbydesign_hd
The creativity did not stop there---I am SO excited to be debuting my exclusive 1 on 1, two-month container very soon! This program, Unlocking YOUR Magic is designed for individuals that are ready to embrace the magic that each of us have inside of us! Stay tuned for more details--this program is embracing your individual human design, working through and releasing the limiting beliefs and emotions that are manifesting as blocks in your life through energy tools, human design, and more! We all have this beautiful magic inside of us and I cannot wait to help others unlock and open their magic through this program as well as in my other offerings! Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
I think my lesson from these last three weeks is the universe works in mysterious ways. THANK YOU, thank you universe for making me slow down so I could move through this block, this limiting belief, showing me that the world needs my uniqueness, my light, my energy. That my unique spirit is unlocked, that the best is yet to come!!!
My quote to end is "Never dull your shine for somebody else" -- Tyra Banks
xoxo gina marie