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Are you ready to let go of what you think you should be, and find the courage to be FULLY YOU?

Let’s embrace your magical gifts and create the next version of you!

With over 20+ years as an executive in the hospitality industry combined with my gifts as an intuitive energy healer, I will help you create the life that you have always imagined.

Does this sound like you?

You WANT a change but do not know where to begin

Feel stuck, life feels stagnant
Reanalyzing the past or worrying about the future
Stress is running your life
That you have lost a piece of yourself
You are ready to embark on a new chapter of your life

You have come to the right place!

How would you feel to fill your cup first so you can be your best for you and the people you love?! To be the main character in the story of YOUR life?! To understand the unique beauty of your energy, all the qualities that make you, YOU?


I would love to guide you on the journey to aligning with your authentic self!


Unlock YOUR Magic

Unlock YOUR Magic is an intimate 1:1 program where we journey together to let go of who you think you should be & find the courage to be fully yourself, leading to greater clarity, purpose and fulfillment in every aspect of life. 

You will walk away:

Radiating confidence

Having the ability to close chapters to begin new ones
Living and thriving in the present moment
Clarity on your life's path
Overall happiness
Ability to create your dream life, instead of having life control you

Are you ready to schedule your call?

Energy Healing human design reiki aura energy medicine practictioner

Get to know me, Gina Marie!

I am a corporate executive turned energetic advisor! I have a passion for helping bring energy tools into our mainstream life and helping executives just like you deepen their relationship with themselves while releasing limiting beliefs that no longer serve them, so you have the ability to create the life that you have always dreamed of!

What my clients are saying:

“Unlock YOUR Magic helped me change some serious mindset issues I had.  My relationship with food, exercise, my health and even my family has improved SO much. I have lost a little weight, but more importantly I have the energy to continue exercising and improving my health!   And even though my health was the primary goal for this course, my career and overall happiness came into play.   I’ve now closed a chapter in my life I didn’t think could ever be closed!  This course has set me free to write a new chapter. My favorite part of the program was the energetic releases - some were inherited from members of my family, and I have absolutely seen a difference in some of them lately as well. My relationship with my Dad is better than ever because we’ve both had some things released (through me).  Amazing!”

Nick J., Business Owner


Are you ready to live your life as authentically you?

Radiate confidence, know what you desire and go after it?

Are you ready to create YOUR story where you are fully yourself, filled with clarity, purpose & fulfillment in every aspect of your life?!

Schedule your complimentary call with me to discuss the next steps of Unlocking YOUR Magic!

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