I am beyond excited to be popping into the blog today with a weekly channeled message for this week!
For those who have been with me for a while, you may remember when I used to share these messages on Instagram every Monday. Over time, it began to feel like a chore, and I knew it was time to pause and wait for the inspiration to return. That pause ended up lasting 18 months!
About a month ago, I felt the nudge to bring these messages back, and I knew this time would be different. My intuitive channeling skills have deepened so much, and I wanted these messages to be more than just inspiration—they needed to be a true gift for your week.
So here it is : your weekly dose of magic, woven into the small, beautiful moments of your life. This channeled message is crafted for the collective and includes journal prompts and affirmations to support YOU as you create your own magic this week.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting me, trusting me, and allowing me to be part of your journey toward the life you desire. Let’s create magic together!
I love you all!
xo, Gina Marie
P.S. This message is channeled in to reach YOU at the exact moment that you need it. Whether that be today, 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 years from now. Just know this is your guides sending you this message at the most divine timing for YOU

Lay of the Land: Ancestral Wisdom, Past Lessons, Being Well Informed
There are times when you are meant to discover and explore new terrain in your life, even to be a part of a wave of change. This is one of those times, and what you are contemplating is perhaps new to you, but others have laid well-worn paths and left wisdom for you to rely and reflect upon. This is so you have a better understanding of the potential and possible pitfalls on your journey. When you know the lay of the land, you are better able to experience what is being offered to you.
This is a wonderful time to seek a mentor or good advice from an expert or elder. That way, you will be able to meet life’s opportunities and challenges well informed. Knowing you have a map, now you can be curious about what else is here. This is the path that promises success in all areas. Where others before you have dared to tread, you will discover the treasure that they have left behind for you to make your own.
Journal Prompts to assist you with diving deeper into this week's message:
What changes am I currently experiencing in my life, and how do they make me feel?Â
How might this change be creating opportunities for growth, new beginnings, or deeper self-discovery?Â
If I had no fear of failure, what would I be most curious to explore or try right now?Â
What specific questions or areas of support could I ask for guidance on?Â
How can I approach this journey with openness and curiosity, even if I don’t have all the answers yet?
Affirmations to support you this week:
I approach change with curiosity, courage, and a willingness to grow.Â
I honor the lessons of the past as I step confidently into my future.Â
The path ahead is filled with treasures waiting for me to discover and make my own.
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