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Parenting a Manifestor: Guiding Your Child’s Unique Energy with Human Design


human design for families Gina leingang magic by design hd

Parenting is not easy. Fulfilling, yes. Easy, no. I discovered human design when my kids were teens. As we implemented it piece by piece, I saw it transform their well as my life as their mom.

Recently I have been working with an amazing family, incorporating human design into their everyday lives. This family has two kiddos, an adorable, sweet infant and a star studded almost 4-year-old.

Mom recently came to me as she was struggling with boundaries with her daughter. Mom, a generator in human design, has a daughter who is a Manifestor. Manifestors are the 2nd most unique energy types in human design-- with only 9% of the population having this energy type.

I completely related to mom, as I too am a generator, and I am married to a Manifestor! One of a manifestors gifts is driving their own train, they are our fire starters, the ones that begin things for the collective. A manifestor thrives with being in control of their lives.

Now, how do you parent a manifestor child, that thrives with having the freedom to explore the world, while keeping them safe and guiding them as a parent?

The key here is open communication and creating a safe space that has clear boundaries but also the freedom that their energy craves.

In one of our first conversations, I described parenting a manifestor as a scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding-- It was the scene where mom is giving advice to her daughter about her dad: "Let me tell you something, Toula: The man is the head, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants."

It is all about creating an environment where the child feels empowered that they are making the decisions, however as the parent you are guiding them, allowing them to express their uniqueness in a safe, secure and loving environment.

Manifestors energy works in cycles, because they are our fire starters, one of their gifts is to begin, to create. This also means that they need equal amount of rest & alone time to complement their energy of creating. Within the freedom they crave, they crave the reassurance that when something no longer lights them up, it is safe to begin something new.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Allowing the child to choose their own clothes each day, this gives them the freedom to express their personality and empowerment through their wardrobe. As a parent you set up their dressing area with clothes that are appropriate for the season/event etc.

  • Setting up a space that is just for them within your home-- create it with excitement, teaching them that this is their special place to retreat to when they are craving that alone time to refuel. By you creating and designating a safe place for the child to retreat, it is giving you peace of mind that they are safe and them feeling empowered in a space just for them.

  • If the child wants to do something that is a no-- explain to them the why. As a parent it is okay to say no. They key here with a manifestor child is they need to understand the why. Manifestors see the world in such a unique way, they thrive with understanding what is behind things. The more you can instill this at a young age the better! "No, you cannot have candy right now, because we are going to eat dinner in 5 minutes, and you need your belly to fill up on food that helps make you strong"

  • Providing a nurturing environment where change is seen as a good thing! This was a key with this adorable family!

See, when a manifestor is in the spot of their cycle that is coming to an end, but they are still in it, they can feel angry. This is what this sweet girl was feeling, she was ready to emerge into a new cycle! Working with mom and dad, they put together the pieces--> both kids were in an amazing daycare, but their daughter was the oldest and her friends have moved on to preschool. Even though she was not quite 4 yet, she was READY for her next cycle-- moving from daycare to preschool. Mom and dad identified the cycle and went off searching for preschools that would be a great fit for their family. As the Universe always delivers, they found a great fit. They brought their daughter to the new school and her face just lit up-- she was in her element, and they all knew this was the right move for the family. Even though it was not in the plans to move her to preschool this early, it what her energy craved. The anger that she had that was coming through tantrums seemed to effortlessly disappear.

This is the magic of not only understanding your energy, but the energy of those closest to you. We are all designed with unique gifts that make us who we are. The more we are able to embrace the core being of who we are, the easier it is to call in the life that we desire!

This is why I have created The Magic of YOU! A self-paced master course, teaching you the in's and outs of human design in a way that is digestible and easy to immediately implement into YOUR life!

Are you ready to become an expert in your energy AND use this knowledge to strengthen the relationships that mean the most to you? I invite you to join the wait list today, as this course is getting ready to go LIVE!

As I always end with a quote this one is calling out to me: " Human design isn't about changing who you are, but rather celebrating your differences and finally coming back 'home' after you've lost your way" -- Chikae

xo, Gina Marie

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