- May 7
- 6 min
Everything Happens for a Reason
Everything happens for a reason. The good. The bad. The ugly. There is a reason for it all. This has been a saying that I have said for...
- Mar 4
- 6 min
Embracing YOU
It's so funny how life works, I knew that I was going to write today, but what I am writing is a complete 360 from the idea of what I was...
- Feb 5
- 7 min
A new era
I know, I know it's been a hot second since I have written. I am a firm believer of writing when it feels right. I love to write, and I...
- Aug 20, 2023
- 7 min
How the past can help you understand the present.
Everything happens for a reason. I have always been a firm believer of this. I went in to writing this entry with a very specific idea in...
- Jun 25, 2023
- 8 min
Growth through motherhood
Growth- it is such an interesting word. It's something that happens so naturally in nature, you plant flowers, you water them, you make...
- Apr 21, 2023
- 5 min
The Journey of Life
I have been infatuated with astrology since I was a kid. I remember my mom giving me a yearly Virgo horoscope book every year for...
- Apr 10, 2023
- 8 min
Ending one chapter to open another
I know I know I have been super MIA from the blog....BUT do not worry and I am back AND I have SO much to share so the entries will be...